Who needs luggage?

 Today we leave for Rome than Wednesday back to the states.  Given recent train strikes we chose to fly to Rome through Alitalia - Big Mistake.  The flight went well but our luggage never made it allow with thousands of other people.  Apparently they have a strike and have been striking a lot recently because they are being taken over by another airline Oct 15.  Great.  So we filed a claim and wait for our bags - most like for days.  They should eventually show up at Dulles Int airport.  Fortunately we had all the important stuff in our backpacks and with us.  Just had to buy a shirt and underwear - my Rome purchases.  LOL.  We did have time to see the Trevi Fountain, Spanish steps, Pantheon and the Nevona Piazza.  Then a nice dinner near our hotel.  A lovely day despite our luggage hiccup and my aching body.  Again too many steps.  Soon I will rest for days at home.


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