
Janice the "Finder"

 Ok, so we had a nice windshield tour of Rome on the way to the airport.  Janice wanted to check one last time once at the airport to find our bags.  We checked into British Air without our luggage and she went on her "Finders" mission.  In the meantime, I called Alitalia for status on our luggage, in which they replied "no news".  A half an hour later, guess who walks up with both our bags - yup.  She did it and now I owe her dinner.  If you ever need to find anything, just ask Janice.  She is on it.

Flying light to the US today

 Fly out today without luggage.  No problem.  See you on the other side of the pond.  All is well

Who needs luggage?

 Today we leave for Rome than Wednesday back to the states.  Given recent train strikes we chose to fly to Rome through Alitalia - Big Mistake.  The flight went well but our luggage never made it allow with thousands of other people.  Apparently they have a strike and have been striking a lot recently because they are being taken over by another airline Oct 15.  Great.  So we filed a claim and wait for our bags - most like for days.  They should eventually show up at Dulles Int airport.  Fortunately we had all the important stuff in our backpacks and with us.  Just had to buy a shirt and underwear - my Rome purchases.  LOL.  We did have time to see the Trevi Fountain, Spanish steps, Pantheon and the Nevona Piazza.  Then a nice dinner near our hotel.  A lovely day despite our luggage hiccup and my aching body.  Again too many steps.  Soon I will rest for days at home.

Last day in Naples

 Low key day as this is the last day in Naples. Went to the Museo di San Martino then packed.  The Museo was right next to St. Elmo Castle behind Jim's apartment and was a huge surprise.  An old monastery and baroque church with beautiful frescos on the ceiling and inlaid marble throughout.  The Museum held one of the best collections of presepis (nativity scenes) I've seen which Naples is famous for.    You also can find a great view of the city and Bay of Naples similar to St. Elmo. Our last dinner at our favorite Trattoria da Pepppino Retrovo degli Artisti.  

Arrivederci to our favorite baristas

 For two weeks we had the pleasure of getting to know these two wonderful people at Bar Centrale near the Funiculare:  Asia and Brenda.  Each morning we had one or two cappuccinos and cornetto or/and sfogliatelle. Brenda made it extra special with her barista artwork and Asia with her perfect English and great sense of humor.  We will miss them and the cappuccinos and cornetto!  

Napoli in the early morning

 If I can get my butt out of bed, I love to take photos in the early morning to see a city wake up.  Children on their way to school; people opening their shutters or peeking their head on the balcony to check the weather; dogs being taken out for a walk; old ladies setting up their shops, baristas serving up that first cafe of the morning, etc.  I never tire of the streets of Napoli.